
This Vegetable Called "Bitter Gourd" Can Cure Breast/Cervical/Prostate Cancer! Check Here How!

     Bitter melon which is also known as bitter gourd or Ampalaya is a tropical and subtropical vine of the family Cucurbitaceae. Bitter melon as the name implies has a bitter taste due to the presence of momordicin, and it is believed and proven to be the most bitter of all the vegetables out there.
     This vegetable is most well-known for curing diabetes, since it can boost your immune system and reduce the symptoms of cancer.

Bitter Melon For Diabetes

     Bitter melon has a significant levels of charntin, peptides that can be resembled to insulin. All of this substances can affect the levels of blood sugar by reducing it.

Bitter Melon For Breast/Cervical/Prostate Cancer
     Bitter melon contains antioxidants that can help to seek out and destroy free radicals that can cause diseases to your body including cancer. Experts suggested that you should eat bitter melon as often as possible to prevent or decrease the tumor growth for cervical, prostate and breast cancer patients.

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